Booking Online
Najlepsza ocena
Pytania i odpowiedzi
Arrival and departure time?
Check-in from 02.00 PM of the arrival day. Please inform us of any arrivals after 08.00 PM.
Check-out before 10.00 AM of the departure day.
What are the hours of the services?
Our hotel services are available in those hours:
- Miniclub from 04.00 PM to 10.30 PM;
- Acqua Park from 04.00 PM to 07.00 PM;
- Pool from 9.00 AM to 12.00 AM and from 03.00 PM to 07.00 PM;
- Beauty Center from 9.00 AM to 12.00 AM and from 03.00 PM to 07.00 PM;
- Wellness Center from 04.00 PM to 07.00 PM;
Are pets allowed?
Your pet is also welcome here. Your devoted companion may of course spend his holidays at the Hotel Val di Sole. We ask to take care to your pet but please you should take care to the other guests. Dogs can pass through the common areas but not stop for long time. Them are not allowed in the Restaurant and Pool. We take the liberty of billing a small service charge for additional cleaning. Please don’t forget to bring the food your pet needs, as it is not included in the price.
How can I book a room?
If you would like to book a room you can proceed with the botton BOOK NOW or send us a mail where you write that you want to reserve a room.
How much is the required deposit?
After the confirmation we ask for a deposit of 30% of the stay. We send you a mail with our bank informations and you have got 5 days to send us the deposit.
What to do in case of cancellation?
The deposit is refundable 100% for cancellation 45 days before the arrival, for cancellations less than 45 days we will keep the deposit. If the guest wishes to be quiet he can insure the amount paid so as to be refunded at any time.
How should the deposit be insured?
The insurance must be made within 24 hours of sending the transfer and must be made for the amount of the deposit required.
How can I pay the bill?
You can pay by credit card or cash. American Express payments are not accepted.
Contact and bank details
Famiglia Stablum
Via 4 Novembre, 135
I 38020 Mezzana-Marilleva
Tel: +39 0463.757240
Fax: +39 0463 757071
E-mail: [email protected]
VAT N. 00314930223
Bank: Cassa Rurale Valdisole
Seat: Mezzana (TN)
IBAN: IT64M0816335010000190101683